Where is RSC?


If this is part of a course schedule, then it refers to Rinker School Classrooms. It could also be abbreviated RSB. Some of the Rinker classrooms have entrances on the outside of the building along the covered walkway; others have entrances inside the building. Here is a directory that briefly explains where the classrooms are in Rinker.

Outside – 1st Floor

1307 – by the Rinker Pit; has three doors – two on the side by the Pit, and one around the corner

1310 – by the stairs that are closest to the Rinker Pit; has one door

1305 – Around the corner from the Rinker Pit, facing Weyenberg; has two doors

Inside – 1st Floor

1333, 1332, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331 are the classrooms when you turn left (if you enter using the door by the pyramid fountain) [Numbers are listed in order encountered in the building]

Any other 13___ is an office and is to the right side of the 1st floor

Inside – 2nd Floor

2353, 2352, 2350 – these are the computer labs. Go up the stairs that are to the right of the pyramid fountain and turn left. Enter through the door next to the sign that says Academic Computing. Note, if you go up the stairs to the left of the pyramid fountain (over 1310), you will end up at the Kaplan Forum and be unable to access the area of the building where these classrooms are.

2367 – this is a small conference room. Go up the stairs to the right of the pyramid fountain and turn right. Enter through the door that opens up into a waiting area near the Dean’s office. Once inside, turn left towards the windows and computers. It’ll be on your left across from the computers.

RSC may also refer to the Rinker Sports Center. This is out at the Rinker Athletic Campus (RAC) off of Parker Avenue.

Rinker Hall is a male residence hall and has an entrance by room 1310.

There is also the Riley Sims Conference room on the 2nd floor of the Lassiter Student Center, although this is not usually abbreviated RSC.


  • Last Updated Jan 12, 2021
  • Views 700
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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