How to access the New England Journal of Medicine


1. Start at
2. Click on the Journals tab at the top of the page
3. Type the name of the journal into the search box and hit enter
4. If you scroll down you should see that the first result says New England Journal of Medicine (Online)
5. Click on the name of the journal and then click on the link that says Highwire Press Journals (I recommend using Highwire Press Journals instead of ProQuest Central because ProQuest Central doesn't include the most recent three months)
6. If you're off campus you'll be prompted to log in with you PBA username and password if you're not already logged in
7. Once you're on that page you can browse by issue or you can search by keyword

  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2020
  • Views 54
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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