What does "Include results outside PBA" do?


If you use the search box on the Library's homepage, when the page with the results loads, you'll notice that the column on the left has an option at the top to "Include results outside PBA." By putting a checkmark in this box, it will expand your search to include items that the Library doesn't have full-text access to. These items are not included in the default search. 

This is useful when you require more comprehensive results on a topic, such as when you are working on a literature review, thesis, or dissertation. 

If you find an item that you would like to use, but the Library does not have full-text access to, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan and we may be able to get it for you. 

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2020
  • Views 148
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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