How do I access UpToDate?


UpToDate is only available to current Nursing or Pharmacy students. Students in these schools should complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to myPBA
  2. Click on the More tab
  3. Click on the Schools tab
  4. Depending on your school:
    • Nursing students will click on Nursing, then UpToDate, then the link beneath "To access UpToDate when you are off campus"
    • Pharmacy students will click on the Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy, then Drug Information Center, then UpToDate
  5. If you are off campus, you will need to sign in with your myPBA username and password. You will need to do this even though you are accessing the resource through myPBA. 
  6. If this is your first time accessing UpToDate, you'll need to register for a free account with them. You'll need to create a separate username and password for this account. If you have already registered for an account, enter your UpToDate username and password. 

If you are still unable to access UpToDate, contact Christopher Lovell, Digital Services Specialist, at 561-803-2221 or 


  • Last Updated Feb 19, 2020
  • Views 102
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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