How do I add the library to Google Scholar?


​Access Google Scholar  both on and off campus. "PBA Link to Full Text" links will appear to the right of your search results when a document can be accessed via PBA Warren Library subscriptions.

Simply set up your Google Scholar preferences as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Settings (either from the top of the Scholar home page, or from the drop-down on the right hand side of the results page).
  3. Choose Library Links.
  4. Type ‘Palm Beach Atlantic University' into the search box.
  5. Put a check in the box next to both Palm Beach Atlantic University options. 
  6. Click Save.

*Please use the links on the right of your search results for access instead of clicking on the article title.
*Note that not all articles found through Google Scholar will be available through the Warren Library. For more comprehensive coverage of library resources you should search the Library's catalog available at It's also possible to request to borrow items from other libraries. For more information visit  

  • Last Updated Aug 15, 2019
  • Views 34
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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