As a PBA alumnus, am I welcome in the library or is it just for current students?


There are a couple of options for PBA alumni who would like to use the Warren Library.

If you would like to visit the library building:

The Warren Library is open to the public daily until 8 p.m., with the exception of Friday and Saturday when we close early. After 8 p.m. the building is only accessible to students. Alumni can register to use a library computer or may create a guest account to log on to the WiFi with their own devices.

If you would like to check out books:

Alumni can get a library card by stopping by the Service Desk on the first floor of the Warren Library. The card is free, but requires annual renewal. Please bring a photo ID. For more information about Borrowing and Policies, see the Library Services Guide.

If you would like to use the library's databases:

Our subscription resource license agreements currently allow alumni access to the following databases off campus:
To access these databases, you will need to use your PBA username and password. If you no longer remember your username and password, or your account has expired, you may contact the Help Desk at 561-803-2027 or to reset your account. 
Alternatively, Florida residents may find the Florida Electronic Library resources helpful. Though not affiliated with Palm Beach Atlantic University, you can find the Florida Electronic Library resources here:
Additionally, JSTOR now has a free "Register & Read" program, which allows unaffiliated individuals to read up to 3 articles every 2 weeks. You can register for this offering directly from JSTOR here.
If you are able to come to campus, you would have access to all of the databases. 
Please let us know if you still have questions.


  • Last Updated Jan 31, 2019
  • Views 229
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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