As a PBA alumnus, am I welcome in the library or is it just for current students?
There are a couple of options for PBA alumni who would like to use the Warren Library.
If you would like to visit the library building:
The Warren Library is open to the public daily until 8 p.m., with the exception of Friday and Saturday when we close early. After 8 p.m. the building is only accessible to students. Alumni can register to use a library computer or may create a guest account to log on to the WiFi with their own devices.
If you would like to check out books:
Alumni can get a library card by stopping by the Service Desk on the first floor of the Warren Library. The card is free, but requires annual renewal. Please bring a photo ID. For more information about Borrowing and Policies, see the Library Services Guide.
If you would like to use the library's databases: