How do I add money to my PBA card?


To add money to your PBA card with a credit card, go to Your account is your PBA ID number. You'll need to have a password. To create or reset your password go to:


2. Click on Account Settings

3. Click on either "Create Password" or "Reset Password"

NOTE: If entering your birth date does not work, try entering 01/01/2000 as the birth date.

After you have created your password: 

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your PBA ID number and the password that you previously created. 
  3. Click Add Cash at the top of the screen.
  4. Follow directions to add the funds.

NOTE: It is not possible to use cash to add money to your PBA card.

If you are still having difficulty, call the Card Office at 561-803-2515. 

  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2020
  • Views 1554
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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