How do I find the industry average ratios, sales, etc?

I'm specifically researching SIC 3484 - small arms.


Yahoo! Finance is often recommended as a source to find industry average ratios. Note, the industry search option may not include the section of the industry that you are particularly interested in researching. 

You may want to try looking at MarketWatch or Nasdaq.

The database, Mergent, is probably your best bet. 
1. In Mergent, look up your company
2. Click on the Report Builder tab
3. Click on the Comparison Reports submenu
4. Click on Peer Group Selection: SIC, Scope: Worldwide
5. Choose the number of companies that you want to compare
6. Under Report Type, leave it set to “List By Item”
7. Report Item Selection: choose which Ratios you want to look at. Add them to the report by highlighting a ratio and then clicking the single arrow point right.
8. In the bottom right hand corner, select your format (I like PDF, but you may want to go with Excel)
9. Click Create Report


  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2020
  • Views 138
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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