What is a call number? How can I find a book using a call number?
A call number is a combination of letters and numbers that let you know where in the library an item can be found.
In the Warren Library,
Books with call numbers A through E are located on the third floor.
Books with call numbers F through L are located on the second floor.
Books with call numbers M & N are located on the Rotunda second floor.
Books with call numbers P through Z are located on the Rotunda Lower Level.
Reference books (labelled REF) are located on the first floor. These are for in-Library use only.
DVDs, CDs, and Media are located on the second floor. They are separated by format (DVD, CD, or Media) and are arranged according to their call number.
The Script Collection is located on the second floor and is arranged alphabetically by the play's title. Additional scripts can be found in the lower level of the Rotunda.
The Children's Literature Collection is located on the second floor and is separated into the following categories:
-Picture book, arranged alphabetically by author last name
-Fiction, arranged alphabetically by author last name
-Newbery Award winners
-Non-fiction, arranged by Dewey Decimal call number
New Books are on display (loosely) arranged by call number on the Rotunda first level.
Need help finding a book? Stop by the Service Desk on the first floor of the main building.