I saved something to My Documents, is it still on there?


If you can remember which computer you were using, the computer is not being used, and it is the same day, there is a good chance that your document is still there. You simply need to log on to the specific computer that you were using, under the account that you were previously logged in under. For example, if you logged in under your PBA account, then do so again, but if you were logged in under a friend’s account, you will need to log in under their information.


If the computer is being used, you will need to wait until it is available to check to see if your document is still there.

If you can’t remember which computer you were using, or it is a different day, then the document is not retrievable.


There are several options to avoid losing files in the future:

1.      Email yourself a copy of the document

2.      Save it to a flash drive

3.      Save it to your G: drive (this is accessible only on PBA computers)

4.      If you have a Google account, you can upload it to your Google Drive 

  • Last Updated Dec 16, 2016
  • Views 26
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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