How do I convert .pages to .doc?


There are different ways to do this depending on the version of Pages that you have. The simplest way is to go to File > Export> Word. Then you choose the location that you want the converted file to be saved- you can even choose to save it directly on to a flash drive.


Sometimes, this method does not work. It will appear to work, but if you email the converted file or save it to a flash drive, it will not open on a PC. To get around this you will need a Gmail account.

1.      Complete the above steps (File>Export>Word). Remember where you saved it.

2.      Log in to Google and open Google Drive

3.      Click the Upload arrow

4.      Select “Files…”

5.      Select the converted file. Once the file has uploaded, you can access it from any computer

6.      Go to a computer and open Google Drive

7.      Open the file

8.      Download the file

9.      Open the downloaded file in Word 

  • Last Updated Oct 12, 2020
  • Views 81
  • Answered By John Doncevic--Warren Library

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